"Raine is the story of two people who discover hidden strengths..." ~Pam, Amazon reviewer
"I ran through the emotional gambit while reading this; happy, sad, mad, murderous, apprehensive, uncertain, etc. It is a roller coaster but ends on a high note." ~Terrymike, Amazon reviewer
"This book is a gut wrenching, heart warming romance about love that's found where you would least expect it." ~Toni, Amazon reviewer
As I said, you all made release day fantastic, and that all comes down to your enthusiasm and willingness to help me spread the word far and wide. Mission accomplished! Thank you soooo much!! So, without futrher ado, the winners of the gift cards are:
1. Mary Mooney
2. Bobbi Kinion
3. Lindsay TheBookMistress Thompson
4. Kathie Simpson Craig
5. Not Everyone's Momma
6. Laurie Johnson
7. Inkd Chick
8. Teresa Richards
9. Lori Walsh
10. Sarah Martin
11. Nicole Smith
12. Ronda Purcell
13. Terrie Lynn
14. Sierra McBride
15. Angela Saffronbitch
16. Kimberly Mayberry
17. Holly Hood
18. Kelsey Dobbins
19. Risa Carroll
20. Ashley Nicole Poteet
CONGRATULATIONS!! Winners, please send an email to branflake3083 [at] gmail [dot] com with the email you want your gift card sent to and where you want it sent from (Amazon or Barnes and Noble). When sending your message, please include "Gift Card Winner" in the subject line.
*winners will also be announced on Twitter and via newsletter*